What Now ?

During this pandemic, I’m not only relaxed, free of fear, but also super excited for what opportunities lie beyond. It feels like “this is the moment I had been waiting for for so long” – the reality of mass consciousness stagnation has begun showing cracks – let’s slip through them into new paradigms, let’s flow like water and find new ways of living in harmony. Follow your thoughts to reap ever better feeling emotional feedback – go general, focus primarily on how you wish to feel in the “new” reality. You can feel like this already now, in the now is your power. Flow from there, do not look back, instead look forward, always forward. Compassion and harmony starts in each individual’s heart.

A World in Balance

For anyone with eyes to see, the “winner” on keeping things in balance is nature. Nature has it that everything will aim to be held in a state of equilibrium. So I look into the world with eyes that try not to take sides in today’s current situations. I observe what I would term something akin to civil war. True, it’s not citizens who storm each other in the streets with weapons (in most cases anyway), but on social media platforms, as well as in private conversations, the sides are evident; the rhetoric scathing and harsh. Name calling is something we teach our toddlers not to do, but it seems that voiced opinions cannot do without. Yet, in all this chaos, in this great era of massive polarization, I see balance. True, the “light” has increased and many folks have awakened. However, natural balance requires that those playing the parts of the “other side” stubbornly keep their eyes shut very tightly.

Early in this century, there were massive group voices who called energetically to wait for everyone to ascend together. For everyone to have a chance to see the light in all things. It is telling that in this country the “No child left behind” act was signed in early 2002. That is about the same time frame when the previous reality has no longer had affinity with mass consciousness and we found ourselves shifting away from an age old prophesy that claimed that on earth we are to loose about two thirds of all things, humans included, in order to ascend. These prophecies had been passed down through generations by indigenous peoples from many tribes and I believe they reflected one possible (or the most probable?) “future” scenario. So ok, we did not go through such an apocalyptic time. We, as mass consciousness, opted instead to leave no child behind in this school of life on Earth, or rather in the subject matter of increasing in frequency (aka Ascension). What the good folks of the “light side” never took into account with their desire to leave no one behind was that an environment of polarity requires balance and by that universal law alone, it’s simply impossible to have everyone awaken and ascend together,  as unifying and pleasing this thought of one human race undivided may feel.

Instead, the increasing number of folks who raised their frequencies caused the (loud) emergence of those who will steadfast play the balancing parts and stay “behind” in the lower frequencies, with all the tell tale expressions that comes with.

Thus my metaphor that we are in a civil war kind of energy world wide. The right vs. the left, the awakened ones vs. the sleepers, the women vs. the men, and so on. (you pick, if you observe closely, the pairs become strikingly obvious). All the while, Mother Earth is in upheaval as can be seen by the increased quakes, floods, hurricanes, fires, landslides and so on.

The current shared reality provides us with an intense contrast. Try as we might, one side is unable to push (successfully?) against the other, all sides have dug in their heels and hold steadfast. A stale mate almost, or we could also call it natural balance. Yet, individually we do have a choice. Individually, we can choose to observe this immense contrast in our reality (on the world stage) and come up with ideas on how to create islands of personal realities that are not as affected by this civil war energy. The key I have found for myself, that I feel is worth sharing here, is to choose to see the inherent goodness of this contrast inasmuch as that it is a prime catalyst which can propel me into new leading edge experiences when it comes to navigating my personal realities consciously.

Two major points in achieving that, are to fully accept and be at peace with what is, for while we push against something, we give it focus and by giving it focus we keep it in our experience. The other point would be to know that every single possibility you can think of already exists and it’s possible to project your consciousness into these other possibilities, in order to experience yourself in a new way. The how of this process is, I believe, rather personal and individual since what we believe creates our own reality, so my beliefs in that would possibly not serve you.

As a pacifist, my motto is and has been for a very long time “What if there’s war, and nobody goes” – I choose not to go to war, which does not mean that I do not have my own preferences. I certainly do, but I also allow everyone else their preference to be what it is, and by doing so, my reality is largely a peaceful one.

We are creators of our own experiences and realities, even if we’re currently finding ourselves in this contrasting creation of the joint reality of mass consciousness.  Have heart – follow the path that feels best to you. As always, one thing remains true – “alignment first, and then…”.

Looking toward Change

So many highly inspirational paths have been offered to folks in the past few decades. Things have certainly sped up a great deal. Yet we can look at our world and still wonder why we’re not able to pull any real change into our reality. Surely, small changes are always part of life, but what of the massive changes?

As a young child, I was shown a possible future. It held so much promise. Yet here I am in roughly the time frame I had visioned in that beech tree, back in the late 60s and when I look around me, the world I see is not nearly that of the vision. True, one could say that that vision was a child’s imagination and not real. To me it was so real that to this day, 50 years later I’ve not been able to let the vision fade in my memory. It is as clear and as strong as it ever was, imprinted on my mind.

So here I sit in a situation that brings with it the question of how can I change this world (or at least my experience of it) to match the vision, the promise that kept me going for so many years? The answer to this question may not be the final one, but certainly feels like it is one that is worth sharing here. It is perhaps just a stepping stone along the way. It turns out, I feel I had gotten it all wrong. We experience change daily, in a small measure. The larger structures of our lives are usually the same or very similar from day to day. Try as I might, I have not been able to draw any large scale major change into my life. The reason being from what I can see is that it’s not possible to change the current reality in major ways by drawing in new things. Wait what? – Yes, because there is not one reality we experience and into which we draw changes.

Instead, we exist embodied in a myriad of realities (timelines) and our consciousness will experience the one we focus on. That changes the game for me. The playing field, the movement as it were is not with the changes that need to join a reality, but my conscious focus that can look upon different things and join different already existing realities and live those instead of the one that wasn’t preferred. Instead of trying to coax largely unmoveable “things” into a different space, I can simply go where I want to go. That, dear friends, is how we learn to travel consciously through time and space.

Let’s get practical – the premise of that which we focus on is what we experience is actually correct. The idea that we draw what we focus on into our lives (in that one set playground/reality) is however flawed. To correct this, imagine that your consciousness decides to join a different reality and focus on that reality (or simply on how you’d feel if you were in that reality) in order to join it. Take this information in perhaps for a while and feel your way through this different way of imagining the shift. If it feels good and resonates with you, then have at it – join different realities (timelines) as you see fit, because you’ve already done this (are doing it) numerous times a day, literally every time you make a choice. It’s not something unnatural and new, it’s actually something that we all know how to do, but to navigate it and exercise this free will consciously is the “new” part for many.

Sudden big jumps into completely different experiences will be more difficult to do, as our minds are a bit sluggish and there can be quite a bit of fear of “going crazy” involved when suddenly a lifetime of memories start shifting and although you still remember the “original” memories of your childhood/your past, they begin to fade as the new memories of the new timeline begin to replace them. It’s certainly not for the faint hearted, but nobody is pushing you to start with huge jumps. I recommend to start simply by normalizing the idea of shifting realities deliberately and seeing each choice you make as such a shift,  so that it becomes normal for your mind that this is what you are doing. Then once this has become a normal conscious everyday thing, you can attempt to seek timelines in which certain experiences are already unfolding more deliberately. Join your body there and experience with greater freedom that which you wish to experience. Welcome to exploring and pioneering in the 5th Dimension!

Victim of Circumstance (part 3)

Hello again – how is it going with your personal “I am….” statement? Results may be instant or it may take a while before you will see changes in your outlook, changes in how you feel when you repeat this statement, and changes in how others respond to you. It may also be that there are beliefs and things in the way that keep getting “poked” and stirred up with this statement of intention. That’s normal and only a sign that it’s indeed “working”. These statements will bring energetic changes, especially when the focus is held for half an hour or longer on feeling the way you decided you want to feel from here on out.

So what do we do when say a day starts out resonably well, the practice gets more firm, the intention becomes more habitual, and Bam! – something pops up. It may be as simple as a seeming dip into old thought patterns combined with the associated well known emotional states. When that happens, I’m almost certain it will trigger that intricately ingrained reaction of fighting the contrast away, sometimes by desperately trying to hang on to the new statments – or giving up altogether declaring that these “affirmation things” (I prefer to call them deliberate intentions) are just not your cup of tea. Either way is fine. Both ways will cause you to be sucked back into the old groove that is trying to show up so that you could work through it. Over time, you will begin to recognize these contrasts for what they are. Your response is where the freedom to choose comes in. I suggest to find back to step 1. Embrace whatever it is that is bugging you – acceptance is the key, the beginning of the lowering of resistance. Accept that this pattern has shown up. Then when the relief sets in through acceptance, choose the feeling which you have already determined you want to feel. If you want proof that this really works, I suggest you just don’t give up. This is where the stubbornness I mentioned previously comes in for real! – I add to the acceptance a bit of appreciation that my “I am”- intention has actually had a result. Not the one I thought I’d have, but surely it has brought me on the path of least resistance (get the gist?) to where I need to be so that my intention can become more and more engrained.

I can’t foresee all the potential patterns of previous resistance that could appear. I bet you will find that if they appear on your journey, they are often quite familiar, well trained beliefs. Sometimes however, they are wonderful gifts in form of aha-moments. Epiphanies of the less fluffy kind, that do however bring beautiful clarity as to why you have been experiencing the contrasts the way you did. Anyway – the steps are easy, the process is ongoing, the path is individual and you’re already on it!

When in doubt, step 1 – Acceptance. 

When comfortable there, step 2 – Get clear on how you want to feel instead

When clear, step 3 – Craft your very own “I am …………”  as if it were already so

When stuff pops up that makes you feel bad, go back to step 1,

Then rinse and repeat for as long as it takes until this sequence becomes your new way of reacting to contrast. Toss in the occasional appreciation that there is contrast in the first place and that you have an emotional feedback that tells you when things are “on” or “off” for you and there you have the formula for coming out of any contrast that has been bothering you. With that personal training, you will no doubt leave states of victimhood behind – an experience to be gratful for, as it showed you what you want instead. Not only will you experience less and less feelings of being a victim, you will see more and more circumstances reflect your new chosen feeling. Pay attention to these new manifestations, and remember, the circumstances follow your energy, they are always a reflection.

I wish everyone attempting this good luck, persistence, and the understanding that with your deliberate thoughts combined with the emotional feedback, you will always have a way “out”. You may most definitely not be able to avoid contrast altogether, for that is not what this is for. It’s about knowing how to shift your own energy and experience after you gained the clarity of your preference that was born from the contrast in the first place. It’s always going to be a bit of to and fro …

And remember…… YOU are the creator of your reality!

Victim of Circumstance (part 2)

Awesome! You actually were curious enough to try to accept the unwanted “thing” in your life and I am hopeful that you felt some kind of relief in that. You are now ready, and perhaps even eager to see where part 2 of this story goes.

With the emotional feedback of relief, comes the understanding that you have let go of a layer of resistance. Should you feel the desire or spark to fight against the unwanted thing return, (and I’m almost certain that it will!) then simply go back to acceptance. It’s ok, it’s normal, and fighting what we don’t like is what society at large does on a daily basis. Like building up muscles, it takes time and repetition to train yourself into a different response when you encounter something unwanted.  Obviously, you may by now wonder where this is going to go. Enough of the amazing suspense. It’s probably going to be a bit of a let-down I imagine, after all this acceptance training.

Along with acceptance comes sometimes a fleeting thought that there has to be a reason for the experience of all these contrasting, unwanted things in life. I assure you, there is a reason! Every contrast is the birthplace of change. It’s the birthplace of expansion, of evolution, and of creation. It’s an important event that will bring a clearer understanding about what it is we are really wanting. Without the unwanted thing, we would never really be clear about our preferences. With the all too common pattern of victimhood, we experience always the same type of negative outcome throughout various different life experiences. After all, our reality will prove just how victimized we have become.

Imagine though what potential lies in such prolonged contrast? – It’s time to dream a bit – but don’t try to dream without feeling emotional feedback for your dreamy thoughts. If you could just wave a magic wand, at the core of this contrast, what would you like to feel instead? – Take your time, this is important. It’s probably something pretty removed from “the new car”, “the better lover”, “the successful job”, “more money” … Go deep into your own inner world and imagine what kind of feeling you would rather be feeling instead of feeling like a victim. – Some may choose freedom, others may choose health, others still only want to be loved and there may be many choices I can’t even imagine. There are as many choices as there are people, for each state of victimhood has its own “flavor” so to speak. When the emotional feedback is absolutely thrilling, exciting, and when good emotions flood your being, then you know you hit upon that which you would actually prefer to feel instead of victimhood. Before jumping right to that wonderful feeling, there are a few steps that may be needed. Again acknowledge and allow that you’ve been experiencing contrast up until now. Then say to yourself out loud: “The current experience does not suit me, it has shown me that I prefer something else, namely ……………………. ” (or similar words). That’s the intention for change. So far so good!

Careful, you’ve intended something wholeheartedly, that means your life is now delivering to you all the obstacles that may still be present, all the circumstances that allow you to learn to firm up this new choice. This is where a healthy portion of stubbornness is helpful. No matter if you land back in the old groove of the all too easily recognizable pattern of feeling like a victim, it’s just another chance to firm up your choice that you are ok with the old, but prefer the new. Keep intending it until you feel ever more comfortable with your new choice.

Once you feel reasonably comfortable, the time has come to do the thing that didn’t work before you accepted what was. A bold statement is needed to create a new identity. Try it on for size and speak out loud: “I AM …………….!”  (The “I am” part is very important, it helps you to identify with your new choice. – Words hold power!).

Let your voice resonate within your physical self. Let the energy of this new bold statement sink in. Then repeat it – but pay attention to how you feel after you voiced this statement. At first, it may feel like new shoes that have not yet been broken in. It should not feel like a total lie though. The feeling of lying to yourself comes only when you have not yet fully embraced the contrast. If that happens, it’s the indication to go back to part 1 of this blog – more training in the acceptance phase is then necessary.

(Following the flow of inspiration, this is as much as I am called to write today – apparently, there will be a part 3 coming soon. I hope you stay with it.)


Victim of Circumstance (part 1)

The focus and overt attention we give to something, be it positive or negative in our experiene, creates an energetic pattern that will bring more of the same into our experience. Cool! – now I have this “thing” in my experience I don’t want. I’ve experienced it over and over and obviously, I’ve complained about it and gotten used to focusing on it, so it shows up and greets me every day anew like that old pal I would love to ditch. Oh, I’ve tried to ditch it – believe me! I’ve tried to run from it, I’ve tried to fight it, I’ve struggled against it and resisted it with all my might, yet here it is again, day after day. The habit of focusing on it has created this seemingly endless pattern. A loop, where I revisit this “thing” and therefore experience it. It seems there’s no escape from it at all. So what’s the hype with positivity ? That stuff surely can’t make that monster I apparently have created (have I?) go away! I can’t just paint a smiley face on this and pretend it’s not there, since it keeps showing up. Perhaps I have been fated to experience this ugly monster day after day, it’s must be just my burden to carry – so my thought patterns. There it is – the ultimate thought that slipped in through the back door: “I’m a victim of circumstance!” – Of course I don’t know this ultimate thought in word form, but I feel its power. I feel it, yes it is true, look around – it’s everywhere, circumstances abound and they victimize me and keep me hostage! – The cycle has found it’s low point, or has it not?

If this scenario sounds remotely familiar, I have perhaps some news for you. First off, you are correct. You are experiencing yourself as a victim of the circumstances in your life. You have proof of that. It feels real. I get it. I can easily acknowledge this and nod. Yes indeed, it is so. However, the query does not end here! “Why is this experience the way it is and repeats itself over and over in variations?” That is a question that will have undoubtedly an answer akin to: “because I believe to be a victim of circumstance”. And there you have it…

Now on to the perhaps rather unconventional part of this scenario. You’ve tried to move on from this state, I’m sure you have. You’ve tried to escape, you’ve tried to meditate perhaps, you’ve tried that darn positive affirmation thing and it failed – You want to simply give up, flop over and let it all be, yet there’s that spark in you that fights again and again. Two things happen here. The fight against this brings more focus to it and therefore elicits more confirmatory experiences and it firms up the very belief you are trying to expunge. The other thing is this – the sense of having exhausted all your fight and all possible actions and the feeling of giving up is actually your source input trying to guide you toward the one thing that will bring you the relief you are seeking. Flop over – let it all be! – that’s the call of source!

Have you tried following that call yet? – If you have, you know where I’m going with this. If not, then I feel it may be time you did. Allowing is a magical thing. Allowing can heal so much. Allow that you have this core belief. (You are not alone, it’s a core belief you share with mass consciousness). Allow that things are as they are. Allow it like a farmer who just lost his crop to bad weather would sigh and accept. Shrug and say “oh well” – just for a moment. Let the relief that follows this acceptance flood through your very being. Let go of the fight, even if it seems counter-intuitive. Let go of the struggle that only creates more focus on the undesirable thing.

Don’t try to run from that, don’t try to immediately shift away, try to fully embrace that thing that caused you to feel victimized. Get me right, it’s not about forgiveness here. It’s about acceptance and nothing more. This is the first step. Give this step enough time to feel what it means to be in a state of acceptance of what is.


(Since there is need for time between the first and the following steps, part 2 of “Victim of Circumstance” will follow a bit later – stay tuned!)

In the Eye of the Beholder

(or… Musings on the nature of Realities)




Reality and with it everything we experience is in the eye of the beholder. We as individuals are the observers, yet the collective of humanity is equally an observing group. In my experience of reality (realities actually), I am observing a framework that seems to echo the collective belief system. Within that framework, I can experience my own creations according to my personal beliefs, even if they differ vastly from the framework created by mass consicousness belief systems. For instance, when humanity collectively believed the earth to be flat, had they had instruments to prove it, I am pretty sure that it would have been proven correct. Then, over time, the collective belief changed and it was widely agreed upon that the earth is a ball at the center of the solar system and the sun was revolving around it. Again, if there had been instruments precise enough to prove this, it would have been proven. Then came the revolutionary thought that the earth is indeed a sphere, but that it is revolving around the sun and lo and behold, today, we have instruments and mathematics that prove this to be true.

The question is this – how could it not be proven to be true if so many folks believe it? How could we come up with mathematical and scientific proof, if it weren’t manifested? I would even go as far as to hypothesize that if it hadn’t been called into physicality by the belief of mass consciousness, nobody would have found the math or the instruments to measure it. The belief creates and calls into physicality the things that are believed by the collective, as well as by the individual within the framework of the collective, as we are always proven to be right.

It gets more complicated than this, and again it’s just my own belief, therefore I am finding it to be confirmed and true in the experiences I have. I fully agree, that there are other fine creators out there creating different things and finding them to be absolutely true – but I find that therein lies the beauty of all of the musings on the nature of reality.

We live in what is called “duality” – A polarity based environment, which is symbolized by the yin/yang principle, that is holding two opposite energies in balance. Each side contains a bit of its opposite side. There are realities within which we can experience a predominantly negative essential expression, like, war, hierarchies, poverty, hunger, oppression, you name it. Contained within are the currents of goodness, sharing, compassion, peace etc. (the dot in the greater field) – these essential experiences that are offered in this current reality of earth have been experienced for a very long time here. All shades of rulers, underlings, wars, atrocities etc have merely been shades of the same essence and nothing has really changed fundamentally. This is because the reality is what it is, it is what the collective believes it to be. However, do not despair at these words… there is an incredibly positive counter part to this reality, as there is the yin/yang principle that applies to everything. So if there is this not so pleasant reality framework on earth in which we currently experience ourselves, there must be its counterpart. In a system of polarity, it is impossible that this one reality exists in an isolated state, even if we can create the illusion that it is so.

In my experience there have been countless realities of earth experiences with varying details. Shifting from, as I call it, one timeline to another is something that happens automatically and effortlessly at every decision we make, be it ever so small a choice. Making choices creates new timelines or propels us into one that is matching the experience of the choice. As polarity has it – the choice we did not consciously make – the “non-choice” is also either finding an appropriate timeline to be experienced by source or it creates a new one. It’s that simple. Everything we think, consciously or subconsciously creates something. Something that is either completely new or something that is found in an already created timeline to which we can shift effortlessly, as easily as we leave our bodies while we sleep. To shift consicously from one timeline that irks us into one that is more pleasant to experience is a different story, but I believe it to be one of the logical next steps in the evolution of humanity’s collective consciousness.

How do we get to this point? – In my personal experience with this subject, I found that it is important to mind what questions we ask of ourselves and the world. For instance, the complaint of “why does this happen to me?” is merely focusing more energy of that which we complain about and therefore keeps us locked into experiencing this thing we don’t like. I experimented with the simple changing of this (or similar) questions and found a replacement question for moments that I do not enjoy: “In what environment, in what circumstances would I prefer to experience myself instead?” With this new question I immediately accept that there was a circumstance that was not quite to my liking and instead of fighting it, I simply accept it as if it were a dish on a buffet I happen to try but not like so much. Then as I would in the buffet analogy, I would not go back for more, but instead seek out and project my conscious thoughts toward that which I would prefer. I do this for as long as it takes until I am proven right in my own belief again, i.e. I will find the timeline in which the preferred situation is unfolding in physical and I experience myself in a different manner. Sometimes, this is an easy shift. Other times, it seems to take a bit longer, but my new question always feels better than the old complaints that kept me locked in a reality that in essence was not really enjoyable. So instead of wanting to change the reality, I project my consciousness into one that is different. What we observe we experience!


Ego Escape

Writer Dylan Morrison

Portal Ego Escape

Just when things appear to settle down we’re often struck by a totally unexpected storm, one whipped up and promoted by ego. As the hyper-defensive element of our earth-bound self, it doesn’t take much to set off a frenzied response to an often exagerated threat. For ego is a restless wee beastie, one unable to lead us into the pasturelands of peace, into the cool caverns of contentment.

Of course at times ego’s second-sight is spot on. We may in fact be under attack from the ego of another, one as dysfunctional as our own, one prone to defend personal space and pseudo-integrity at the slightest hint of danger.

So what hope is there for us in the storm-tossed sea that we call life, the space-time conundrum of ego warfare? Well, thankfully we’re not all ego, for the fragmented and wounded psyche is only the tip of our…

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This is the day after the election – Trump, Mr. Trump that is, is president-elect. The country reels. The country groans. Those who voted for him may gloat or simply feel satisfied for having gotten their choice of candiate. Most certainly, change is in the air.

For a long time now, I have not really understood what this over the top caricature of a man (for whom I did not cast my vote) has shown me. Today, I realize…

Today, I see just how strong a mirror he is for each and every human being who is looking in his direction, be they American citizens or not.  From my perspective, he shows us the shadows. He shows us the things we abhor. He shows us the things we try to hide within ourselves. No matter how “good” we are in our behaviors, if there are things this man says and does that irritate us, we have not integrated that we are potentially also able to be that way (bear with me please). We have not acknowledged that we too can hate and be all these things we so abhor. Only if we can look at Mr. Trump with equanimity and true compassion have we been able to fully integrate these “negative” aspects. Before we have integrated them, we cannot fully embark on a path of goodness and love. The shadow side must be acknowledged and should not simply be tucked away somewhere in a hidden part of our psyche.

We may fear that by acknowledging, that we too have the human capacity for hatred and all the other ugly things that irritate us so when we see Mr. Trump express them boldly and blatantly, we may risk being like him for good and not find our way toward the lighter side of things on our path toward becoming aware, conscious, love based individuals. The truth is however, that only by integrating, acknowledging, and owning that we too have the very same capacity for the ugly side, are we then free to truly choose. Then, the not yet integrated issues within us are not choosing for us, but instead, we are free to choose whether to be hate based or love based.

Seemingly choosing love, all the while hate is being thoroughly hated, isn’t choosing love at all. True love just loves. It simply is. It flows without finding irritation anywhere. A high and lofty goal, I give you that, but I believe it’s worth accepting my capacity for ugly in order to get there. For that clarity, I thank Mr. Trump for his role in humanity’s game of evolution.



The Stars Within



At the tremendous “risk” of going really “out there” with this blog post, bear with me, it’ll all land again on human territory.

Perhaps you have heard about, or followed some of the relevant information and/or the ramblings and guesses of those who call themselves “starseeds”. All in all, the fascination with stars may have been the only clue that you are drawn to lift your gaze from the everyday human stuff toward the heavens and wonder about other worlds. Perhaps you’ve been equally fascinated by all things sci-fi or astrology, astronomy etc, or all of the above combined. Then there’s the yet unproven but very eagerly talked about theme of “aliens”. Other people who live on other planets. To me it has been really quite a common sense assumption, while gazing upon the vastness of space, that there ought to be other beings out there, science is now catching up to saying that the probability is high or some such.

Anyway, long ago, I visioned and had received a message that had puzzled me deeply. “You are not of the Earth” it said. That was very strange, because I look very human indeed and my body is definitely a human one. That odd message was difficult to integrate, let alone believe for a very long time, especially as it was combined with many voices that urged me to finally ground. I do have a deep love for Mother Earth but also a very difficult time to fully comprehend my lack of understanding of my fellow human beings. All in all, it was a very confusing mix to say the least. I’ve learned to cope, I’ve learned to live with it, howver, I’ve never quite shaken the belief and subsequent experience of being “different”, an assessment that had come a long way from the much more potent, self-critical “attributes” of old.

These days, I see Native American tribes gather and meet peacefully after long standing rivalries. They are making peace. They come together for the common cause of saving Mother Earth and protecting her water. A noble cause indeed! In my immediate experience, I see family ties break and fizzle away, I see soul families gather, and that leads to the question I had been born with, which still resounds very deeply within me: “where do I come from?”

Sure, by now I understand that my source is energy, consciousness to be exact and has no specific location. My spark, or soul if you wish, has affinities however, and one very strong affinity is to a different star system. I’ve yearned to go “home” all my life and it has nothing to do with croaking or going back to source. It has to do with being familiar with being incarnated in a much lighter even taller body and experience the point of view of my soul family, who does not reside on Earth. I feel the connection with them today as much as I did (unknowingly then) in my youth. It has always been there. The starseed lies within, even if I spent many years trying to seek it outside of me. The starbeings we feel close to are “out there”. Our wish for them to come down to Earth may even be known, but they cannot come into an acknowledged common reality, as long as we believe that they are far, far out there on some planet that is millions of lightyears away. Instead, it took only a slight shift in consciousness, to realize that they are also in here, right in my own energetic make-up. This shift was nothing I had intended for, it happened spontaneously. I realized that my star family’s perception and abilities are encoded in my DNA, their love is in my heart, their mind and their point of perspective can merge with mine in my own field of consciousness.

Upon acknowledging the simple epiphany, that the star family isn’t “out there” but “in here”, the DNA blueprint that I call starseed began to shift. I can only describe it as an “activation” or  an “opening” – the seed had begun germinating – My perception and energetic sense has shifted ever since then. It seems to be shifting into the mindset/belief pattern and point of perception that stems from that particular star family. Where it all goes, I do not know. This is a new development that I can only allow, for stopping it is impossible. One admonishment that I received was this: the human based perception of separation, and with that the experience of aloneness, is a treat. It’s an illusion that is not part of the perception of my star family’s consciousness. I had better explicitly embrace and appreciate the very thing which irked me so for so long, for soon I feel that perception will shift. By shifting this perception and sharing this information with others who also know they are starseeds, the awakening to the call of the joining of the tribes can continue and spread. The raising of humanity’s consciousness is a very subtle and personal inside job. There is nothing one has to do other than allow the shift to the innate blueprint of that which we came to be – humans, united with their star tribes.  – We truly are the ones we have been waiting for!