
This is the day after the election – Trump, Mr. Trump that is, is president-elect. The country reels. The country groans. Those who voted for him may gloat or simply feel satisfied for having gotten their choice of candiate. Most certainly, change is in the air.

For a long time now, I have not really understood what this over the top caricature of a man (for whom I did not cast my vote) has shown me. Today, I realize…

Today, I see just how strong a mirror he is for each and every human being who is looking in his direction, be they American citizens or not.  From my perspective, he shows us the shadows. He shows us the things we abhor. He shows us the things we try to hide within ourselves. No matter how “good” we are in our behaviors, if there are things this man says and does that irritate us, we have not integrated that we are potentially also able to be that way (bear with me please). We have not acknowledged that we too can hate and be all these things we so abhor. Only if we can look at Mr. Trump with equanimity and true compassion have we been able to fully integrate these “negative” aspects. Before we have integrated them, we cannot fully embark on a path of goodness and love. The shadow side must be acknowledged and should not simply be tucked away somewhere in a hidden part of our psyche.

We may fear that by acknowledging, that we too have the human capacity for hatred and all the other ugly things that irritate us so when we see Mr. Trump express them boldly and blatantly, we may risk being like him for good and not find our way toward the lighter side of things on our path toward becoming aware, conscious, love based individuals. The truth is however, that only by integrating, acknowledging, and owning that we too have the very same capacity for the ugly side, are we then free to truly choose. Then, the not yet integrated issues within us are not choosing for us, but instead, we are free to choose whether to be hate based or love based.

Seemingly choosing love, all the while hate is being thoroughly hated, isn’t choosing love at all. True love just loves. It simply is. It flows without finding irritation anywhere. A high and lofty goal, I give you that, but I believe it’s worth accepting my capacity for ugly in order to get there. For that clarity, I thank Mr. Trump for his role in humanity’s game of evolution.



A Joyride

By paying attention to your emotional state and seeking methods and ways to think of something that makes you feel happy and by doing so taking focus away from the energetic grids and constructs that pertain to your personal human belief system, you invite vibrational alignment with your source.

The experience of life on Earth then shifts from a sense of it happening to you while you are powerless and immersed within it, to understanding, that it is a mere reflection of who you are. In fact, it already is that – a reflection of who you are, of your thoughts and beliefs and emotions. The so-called negative emotions just signal that what you experience and see is the reflection of the beliefs you hold and the positive emotions signal that you are experiencing and seeing a reflection of your own source.

The choice what you wish to experience and see is always yours. To me it  takes the form of a joyride, a prospect filled with exhilarating joy to align and see and experience the source through my human eyes and body, reflected back at me through my earthly experiences.


(Original post:    Dec, 2012)



Human Relationships

Recent (world wide) events have allowed me to observe human behavior in the raw. I’ve seen the correlation between events and peoples’ reactions to them. I’ve also seen very clearly that all is in relationship with each other. Relationships – that is a very loaded word. It holds so much information, good and bad, depending on anyone person’s experiences with other people. Personally, relationships and especially the romantic variety have been somewhat of a mystery to me. After many years of experiences and observations,  I’ve seen a common denominator in all human relationships and now, I feel that I may be hitting upon an underlying truth that could turn out to be just be one of those gems, a universal truth, a truth that holds true, whether one believes in it or not.

As I understand it, it’s all about energy currents. All of life in fact is about energy currents and how they are in relationship with each other. The universal law of attraction says that that which is like is drawn unto itself. This is a universal law. It is true for the smallest particles as well as the largest celestial bodies in our universe and probably in multiverses as well, although that is beyond my scope of personal experience. In the subject of human relationships, this law brings people together that have something in common, people who vibrate in a close enough frequency for the automatic attraction to happen. Love filled people will find other love filled people for example. Whatever we focus on is what we draw into our experience. I have experienced this consciously for years, and to me at least, it is true. I have seen it around me as well, and I think it actually is true for anyone.

So we meet – say it’s the romantic kind of relationship that we observe here. One person is drawn to another. The gender and orientation are a match (in whichever diverse expression matters not and ought not to be judged). Both look at each other and at the very least like what they see. Perhaps it’s instant love. Perhaps it takes a bit longer to yield to the magic of the source perspective. Yes, source perspective is what happens when we “fall in love” with another being. We observe that person through the eyes of source and source always loves unconditionally. So we love, and usually in the beginning at least, get a positive response back. (Let’s for a moment assume, that the experience of falling in love is mutual, shall we?) – Both people decide to embark on the path of romantic love and the relationship becomes conscious (it was always there, just nobody was aware of it before they met or agreed to allow love to flow.) In the ideal scenario, this blissful period (the honeymoon phase) lasts up to 2-3 years, sometimes even longer and I’ll get to that, but often just a few months before things become more difficult. Issues tend to show up. Things that didn’t bother either of the couple suddenly begin to matter and are being observed and most importantly verbally complained about. Soon enough, there are problems, quarrels, fights even and only one thing is clear, the honeymoon phase is over and, how it is often termed, “the real work begins”.

I have of course simplified things a bit here, but the standard development of a romantic relationship unfolds like that or similar. It depends on the awareness levels of the couple how they deal with their issues and what can be solved and agreed upon etc. So what happened to the honeymoon phase? To those romantic moments of bliss and connectedness? Are they forever lost? Does one have to just “get real”, come down to Earth and work through the stuff? Most professionals in the counseling field would probably see it that way.  I do not. I see a pattern that is most common in such a relationship scenario. I see that there was a current that brought both together, meaning, both people ran a current that was similar. Most often it was a current of not really loving themselves but wanting and being able to love another.

In the beginning, they gazed upon each other and bucked that current, perhaps simply because they were glad to have found a suitable mate. They bucked the current of their partner’s inability to love him or herself and loved him or her despite that forbidding current. It’s what source does – they did indeed look upon the partner through the eyes of source and achieved something incredibly difficult to maintain for a while.

The reason they could not maintain this bucking of that perpetual current of lack of self-love is simple. Human beings are not meant to buck each others’ currents forever, like source does. It’s near impossible unless one is in such perpetual alignment with source that source is who is acting through the human body (or in other words a living saint). Humans are actually meant to mirror each other, to reflect and act out what the currents of those around them are.  Now imagine! This couple – they bucked each other’s current of lack of self-love successfully for months, or even years. They shored up that lack for each other and the lack was not (always) felt. They filled the other’s heart with source love, which is nice, but it is also a classic scenario of co-dependence that has developed through this. The result is that one partner cannot live without the other’s love, and vice versa, for then one would fall back on the lack of self-love and that would hurt. So there’s a number of “co-ing” behaviors that develop around this pattern, just to uphold this energy pattern of co-dependency. This can become very stressful and draining over time. That’s because it is not how things are meant to be here in this human adventure. We are meant to show each other what currents are being offered to the world. (Yes, even the ugly bits).  It is a far greater act of love to show an unadultered current to a partner than to buck a current that is offered. Only by showing the true nature of an offered current, is the other able to see and grow through it to a greater point of awareness and ultimately independent self-love. The work that has to happen in this relationship scenario is one of training oneself into loving every little aspect of oneself and to integrate self-love. However, both partners would have to do that in order to remain attracted to each other, or the vibrations would be very different and the law that brings people together will seek other matches that are more harmonious.

Let’s assume for a moment that there is a couple who as individuals have found self-love and are offering that current to the world. Then let’s also assume that their interests and desires are a match and hence they meet. Their relationship will begin with a huge glow of the amplified energy of both hearts that join in love that is already flowing individually. Love that is not born from a sense of need, but from a sense of fulfillment within each of the partners individually. This kind of love can amplify and dance together with incredible intensity. Following the natural movement of love energy, only expansion is possible with this joining of open self-love filled hearts, as they share personal and source love in their relationship. What’s better still, neither of them has to buck the other’s current even for a moment, they can both reflect the self-love back to their partner and be in harmony with their human purpose of being a mirror for each other. Such love will last for a lifetime and beyond. It is effortless and all problems and issues that may arise will be solved through that focus of self-love and open hearts. There will be loads of fun moments, shared humor and perhaps long periods of silence, during which in mutual understanding, there is nothing to say, but only love to feel.

Some people meet in the first circumstances and through the bucking of the non-self-love current are inspired to find self love. Those are the ones where it may be blissful, then wobble but lead to a more aware form of self-love within each partner, thereby untangling the co-dependent nature of their relationship and the experience of such an untanglement will always be a sense of incredible relief and appreciation for each other to have been an invaluable catalyst in the growth journey.

Be it as it may – all scenarios (and there are definitely variations I have not mentioned here) are valid. None are better than the other. All are an experience worthy of having gone through. Ultimately, it all depends what an individual desires for their relationship(s). That sets the tone for the unfolding of the experience. Whether relationships are romantic in nature, or simply human interactions, one thing is certain. When we are independently free and self-sustaining with our need for love, we will as human race evolve into a more peaceful society, in which the basis for mirroring that which we have evolved into is love and not war.

This brings me back to the current worldwide events of war, terror, fear, and more. These are but a reflection of the currents we offer to the world and each other. Sure, there is potential for love and sure, many reports speak of this love for their next “neighbor”. However, does it not suggest to love the neighbor like we love ourselves? – that part gets forgotten too often in my opinion. True change in the world happens within, for when change comes in form of a changed current that we offer to the world, the reflection thereof will naturally be different – for that is how it works.

In short, if I want to experience love, I must love myself. If I want to experience peace, I must be at peace with myself. Humanity has been at war for a very long time and it did not stop with the end of WWII by the way. We humans are at war within our hearts. The perpetual focus and need to share what bothers us is still too strong. The focus on what is good is unpracticed as of yet, but more and more, I see people tired of complaining and pointing to the obvious negative. Instead of asking, “what would be the worst that could happen?”, which comes so easily to our minds, we can train ourselves to ask instead: “what would be the best that could happen?” – and to me, the best would be a world filled with peaceful, self-loving individuals that strive to learn, and evolve in the arts, science, and technologies for the sheer joy of evolving, which would eliminate any and all competition but support each other’s dreams to the full extent by simply being natural reflectors for each other. I may not live to see this kind of humanity in this body, but one day, I trust it will become reality.



Paris (but Paris isn’t the only one…)

To believe that the same Allah/Elohim consciousness is the driving force behind or in favor of any kind of war, terrorism, taking of lives, misery, injustices or anything like that is simply not true on a level of higher consciousness, even though it can be and has been believed for many hundreds of years and stubbornly keeps being a fundamental belief in some groups. Yet what is also called “God” allows unconditionally any belief, for in allowing is unconditional love and it is the strongest force there is. In this unconditionality, God/Allah/Elohim/Creator/One keeps calling, keeps loving and never judges, not ever. The drama unfolds exactly in accordance to what mass consciousness is capable of believing – so take your time to go within and see what you believe, for you are part of this mass consciousness. Do you believe in hate or its opposite love? Would there be so many on this planet shouting the message of love if there wasn’t any truth to it? It is a choice whether to see artists as mere entertainers or as a balancing force that has the power to influence mass consciousness directly. There are words that have been spoken many times over in many ways on this planet. I for one choose to hear and heed them….Love is ALL you need…

The Divine Feminine and Masculine – What it Really Means

Ancient pasts that we may not be able to access through today’s history books have been read and interpreted by those able to tune into the Akasha Records. These records reveal that on Earth, humanity has lived through a number of cycles. I do not know for sure when the split into feminine vs masculine began, I reckon it was before paradise and the story of Eden if we follow the timeline of human history to go beyond that point in time. The energetic flow from patriarchial societal structures to matriarchial explorations and back to patriarchy and so forth has been a pendulum motion back and forth into the depths of either masculine or feminine dominance alternatively.

I am called to look upon this subject today in a slightly different manner. True, there are feminist voices out there who claim that it’s better to move more into a matriarchial society and so on. This has never resonated with me, despite being female and very often feeling the sting of that expression in the male dominated society I am living in. Universal truth is, as depicted in the yin/yang symbol, that there is a drop of masculine in a female and that drop feminine in a male – we all carry the potential for both sides.

Today’s tendencies of the young ones who come to show us this are those we call “transgender” or “gender fluid”. They very clearly demonstrate (even drastically so at times) that they can feel like one gender, yet be embodied in the other and feel very much out of place in the physical body and the physical world for that very reason. I recall personally, having wanted to be a boy for many years while growing up. Hell, I was one of the tallest people in my class as a teenager with 5’10” and dwarfed quite a few boys along the way. I didn’t only dwarf them with my physical stature, but noticeably with my sense of independency, clear aversion to anything that would tell me to submit to any authority, male or female, but especially male. This was matched with an intellect that helped me navigate the world successfully, despite the challenges I chose to be born into.

The result of such a “glorious” female incarnation could have easily lead to a feminist attitude and conviction, but it did not. I ended up suffering from being feared by both men and women and this trend seems to be ongoing. This alone is a sign that I myself have not managed yet to make peace with the tug-of-war that exists within me having chosen to send forth a predominantly male energy (power) to express it in a female body. In ancient times, I would probably have embodied this in the role of “warrior princess”, “amazone”, “shaman” or some such. Today, I have chosen to become a mother. A role that has challenged every little bit of me from the first breath of my firstborn. To complete the picture, I have two daughters and although my deep desire would have been to raise a male child due to a clearer understanding of what it means to be male, I know also full well, that these two children of mine have been the most challenging but deepest blessings at the same time, assisting me on my journey to not fall into the mistaken draw of feminism (male expression of the feminine side), but to begin a far more difficult journey. It is the journey to find balance between the predominantly male energies in this physical female form and mellow that power out with the more feminine attributes of nurturing, love, care, sympathy, and empathy.

This journey is of course ongoing and I have not a clue whether I will reach a point of balance in this lifetime. However, I do know that feminism in its true sense is nothing other than masculine energy attributed to females, by disavowing the feminine parts and becoming more masculine in the process and with that power bash masculinity in turn. (To each their own, this blog post is not about feminism in the first place.) It is my sincere desire that everyone find their journey’s meandering pathways in their own manner. To me, it has become very clear, that society’s development in principle is not about flip-flopping from patriarchy to matriarchy and back again to patriarchy and so on. Times for these extremes in duality have passed. It is time to find the commonality, the congruence and the beauty in the merger of these two energetic forces that seem to oppose each other yet complement each other beautifully and powerfully, when given the chance.

In order to see humanity develop into such a sense of equality of female and male energies and expressions requires individual journeys in which many individuals explore this subject within and find that (near) perfect balance in their own lives. It is no longer about “either/or” but rather about inclusion, integration, and about allowing that these energies complement each other in the most harmonious way possible within each individual, giving rise to the understanding of the inherent value of both sides and the even greater value of the combination of male and female energies. Those who resonate with these words have their work cut out for them and my heartfelt sympathy goes to all those with extreme courage to step onto this unchartered territory to carve out a new, peaceful path for equality within humanity. Thank you!

My Favorite Life


In order to experience the life you always wanted, the one you decided you could love, you must first love life itself.

Doing What I Love

Isn’t it so, that at least once or twice a day, we have to do something we don’t love doing? There are things that just need to get done. We have been conditioned that that’s what life is all about, gritting your teeth and doing that which has to be done.

That premise has held true for me for way too long. For a very long time, I didn’t even know what I would love doing. I’m not only speaking of vacation or free time events and activities, but also professionally. I add the word “profession” to the mix and feel the bitter juices flow. There is no profession that allows me to do that which I love doing – all day long. That has to do with my nature. I don’t like repetition and I don’t like doing the same thing for a prolonged amount of time. I like diversity, ever changing things. I like this and that and that and that other thing too. I want it all. It took many years of searching to find that which I love doing most and turn it into a “profession”. Turned out that the moment it became a profession that was marketable, it took something out of the mix and it almost turned sour for me. I’ve pondered on what it would take to make a living with that “profession” of mine and to this day, I can’t say I’ve been successful. There have to be other sources of income for me, in order to keep doing that which I love.

I’ve taken it a step further. Now, I’m disengaging from the word “profession” and what it means to me altogether and I’m just simply doing what I love. As often as I can manage. I have stopped worrying whether it would eventually pay my bills. I have stopped worrying whether I would ever gain professional status or anything of the sort. It has become quite simple and with a renewed gusto, I simply do what I love and if there is money flowing my way or any other ways of balancing out the giving and taking aspects of the exchange, I gracefully accept. Only now does it feel like I’m in the flow of abundance. Any and all thoughts on “how to make money” have been replaced with “I will always be provided with what I need”. The worry factor has never been this low!

I understand that doing what I love seems like a privilege. It is perhaps a hard earned privilege. Most certainly, I feel, it’s natural. Why would I incarnate to go do something I don’t love ? That makes absolutely no sense to me. I understand that financially, certain bases have to be covered. So if a “mainstream” job that isn’t so lovely needs to be held, I’m all for common sense (for a time). However, I also feel that it is very important to nourish the soul by at least spending some time each day doing what I love. It is something that we can all do at least 10 minutes of doing something we love. Until that becomes a habit. I feel that we need to re-establish the flow of that as best as we can in order to make it a reality. I feel we owe it to ourselves to spend at least some time doing that which we love doing hopefully without judgment of ourselves or worse yet, guilt. Just because! Doing what we love is not just a privilege, it is our birth right and I think it’s high time we claim it.

(Original Post: August 3, 2011)



When we experience that someone close to us dies or otherwise leaves, we humans usually follow the belief of mass consciousness that suggests that we have experienced a heartbreaking loss. The emotional response to such a belief is infallibly grief. Grief is the signal from source that we have distanced ourselves from source frequency by quite a lot and are buying into the illusion of separation.

This whole planet seems to groan from this steady stream of grief that so many people experience world wide. When I observe this grief feedback that is ongoing on a daily basis all over the planet, for surely every day someone dies or experiences a relationship break-up, my physical body sometimes reacts with tears.

Surely, everyone has had (or will have) an experience that resulted in grief. Some people seem to never get out of that experience. In truth, and do check in emotionally as you read, there is never a separation between anyone be they dead or alive. In truth, the connection that we all share is ongoing. In truth, any thought in the direction of separation will bring negative emotional feedback. As if initial grief wasn’t enough, humans have a tendency to keep focusing on it and therefore keep experiencing it. There are grief support groups that focus on the grieving process and keep it alive and well; there are therapy forms that harp (well meaningly) on getting over someone by insisting you cut off any and all connection to that person (how is that ever going to work?) – All that is clearly just an attempt to make yourself feel better. However, feeling better never happens when you look at anything that source sees differently. Source does not see separation. Source only sees oneness and connection. Ultimately, we cannot “unknow” (the person) and we cannot “unlove”.

Here’s my take on how to deal with grief:

First, take the “hit” – feel the grief (as briefly as possible). Then identify that emotion as emotional feedback from source. Identify further that it signals you that you are thinking thoughts of loss and separation, which are in opposition to how source sees the events. Don’t ever try to “unknow” or “unlove” the departed, for that is futile and will always feel bad. Instead, find pleasing things of general nature to think about and distract yourself a bit. Be easy on yourself, you’re probably still prone to buying into the mass consciousness belief of loss and separation. Allow yourself to focus on different topics, rather than the one that screams “loss” at you. Tell yourself that the physical connection may be a thing of the past, but that the non-physical connection is alive and well and will never (NEVER!) cease to be. Take solace in the time spent together and avoid thoughts of regret (they’re a literal waste of your time). Remind yourself that all is as it is supposed to be. Remind yourself that the universe always operates in absolute perfection and that all parties involved are benefitting from the experience in some ways, even if you cannot identify what those ways are (just yet). Spend your time focusing on things that you can appreciate. Tip toe with your thoughts only sporadically into a place of remembering the times spent together in physical that were special, but always strictly pay attention to how you feel and at the first sign of “missing” the other, or renewed sorrow and grief, find those general thoughts again that pleased you earlier.

Very specifically, become conscious of your emotional cues that way and dance your way through the maze of your thoughts. (Therein lies the opportunity for expanding consciousness through this experience.) Meditation will bring relief, as it stills the mind and ceases the thought patterns that have a hold on you sometimes. Make it your intent to seek thoughts that feel good and bring relief. Allow yourself to stay connected with the “departed”, for you already are connected and know that any struggle against such a connection will result in negative emotion. Be easy and patient with yourself, kindness towards yourself goes a very long way.

On the global perspective, I find that it is time that humans slowly begin to see that there is no separation, there is never loss of another, (be they alive or dead) – EVER. In my vision, I see more and more humans beginning to react differently to “loss of another”, until eventually mass consciousness will be affected as well and with that, the wave of grief going around our mother Earth can become less and less and the cloud of this lower frequency wave can lift and be replaced by a steady stream of joy, connectedness, unity and understanding of oneness.

Personally, there are a few that I’ve seemingly “lost” through death or otherwise, but I want to let them all know that the connections are alive and well, that I feel them in my heart, each and every one of them. I am able to fully recognize them by feel according to their personal energetic signature and I cherish those contacts and their ongoing presence in my life. I am enriched by having known these people, having shared experiences with them, and I revel in the absolutely delicious appreciation that I could not be who I am today, had they not traveled with me for a bit of the way.

Through the Eyes of Source

Every time you allow yourself to see the world and everything in it through the eyes of source, know that your heart opens simultaneously to unconditional love.